Saturday 13 July 2013

Foods that should be felt when visiting Penang

Penang traditional cakes


Serabai cake is the traditional cake made ​​of rice flour and coconut milk. This cake is white and round. This cake is cooked using the shallow fried. This cake has its own mold. Serabai cake mold round. It will be eaten along with the soup cooked with coconut sugar. Broth taste like sweet fat. In addition, edible sarabai with durian sauce or rich as pandan. This cake can be easily found in the month of Ramadan or during the feast late.


Maskat candied cake dessert is commonly found at festivals or gatherings. Maskat candy has a texture like jelly and yellow. Maskat candied sweet taste and is made up of various shapes. Sometimes it is available in round shape and box. The main ingredient is candied maskat ghee, wheat flour and corn starch. In addition, raisins, almonds and cardamom are also mixed in maskat candied. Maskat candied cooking process is complicated because of the flour should be soaked for 2-3 days and you should change the water every day. Cooking methods used were boiling and then simmer. When the ingredients in the pot was boiling, the batter will be allowed to simmer while stirring so as not crusty on the bottom. According to the elders, while cooking candied maskat we need to use copper pot. If cooked with regular pot, candy colors are so unattractive maskat.


Putu mayam is a popular cake in the state of Penang. This cake is white and has a shape like noodles. It is eaten along with brown sugar and grated coconut. The main ingredient is rice flour cakes mayam. Cooking methods used in the preparation of cakes mayam is steaming method. When the rice flour mixed with water, it will be formed into dough and marinated. Then, mix the dough will be incorporated into the mold and embedded mayam cakes on the steamer. Mayam mold cakes are available in plastic or wood. Putu mayam available in the morning or evening. It is widely sold in stalls and night markets.


Nasi kandar line which has always been a choice for tourists.

Nasi kandar is a popular dish of northern Malaysia, and originated from Penang. It is a dish served with steamed rice and curries and side dishes diversity.

The word Nasi Kandar, derived from rice hawker clutching (haul) pole suspended two former rice. The name has remained until today the word Nasi Kandar is seen on most Tamil Muslim restaurants or "Malaysian Mamak" and stalls serving Indian Muslims.
Rice to serve nasi kandar is usually placed in wooden container about three feet high which gives it a distinctive smell. Nasi kandar dishes complemented by meat such as fried chicken, curried spleen, beef, eggs, fish, prawns or fried squid. The vegetable dishes are usually like eggplant, okra or melon. A curry sauce mixture poured onto the rice. This is called 'flooding' and gives a sense of variety in rice.
By tradition, the nasi kandar is always served with side dishes in a dishwasher. But today, small melamine bowl is often used for side dishes. Regardless, curry sauce mix is always poured directly onto the rice.



 Laksa is a noodle dessert as popular in Malaysia and Singapore. It is said to have originated from the Chinese who migrated to Malaya (Peranakan). However, each district has a special sauce eaten with thousand gave their own names according to where it is available. Penang Laksa is popular in Penang, where it berasal.antara most popular laksa in Penang laksa tree is located in the Back janggus island.


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 Sany restaurant at the popular char koay teow in Penang

Char kway teow merupakan makanan yang popular di Malaysia dan Singapura. Ia diperbuat daripada kuey teow  leper dan kira-kira 1 cm lebar, digoreng di atas api panas dengan kicap dan sosciliudangkerangtelurtauge dan kucai Cina. Berbanding kuey teow goreng biasa, char kway teow agak basah.terletak berdekatan dengan TOKONG ULAR yang  terletak di Sungai KluangBayan LepasPulau PinangMalaysia.

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